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First Annual Krishna House Retreat Rocks New Vrindaban
By Kalakantha Das   |  May 14, 2024

“May the Fourth be with us!” was a call answered by a hundred-plus young devotees who attended the first annual Krishna House Retreat in New Vrindaban, May 3-5, 2024.  Krishna House leaders, students, and friends from around North America gathered for memorable kirtans, uplifting classes, wonderful prasadam, and insightful seminars during the event. “Everyone who came with us had a great time,” said Janaki Devi, a leader from the New York City outreach.

Krishna House is an outreach program primarily for young people from all backgrounds based on Srila Prabhupada’s example in his first ISKCON centers in New York and San Francisco. During the Krishna House Retreat, leading Krishna-conscious teachers from Toronto, Dallas, New York City, Amherst (Massachusetts), Gainesville (Florida), Grand Rapids (Michigan), and elsewhere checked in, compared notes, and enjoyed a blissful association with one another. “It was a very inspiring weekend,” said Nandanandana Das, Director of Krishna House Amherst, “Lots of valuable knowledge shared in the workshops and loads of uplifting sanga with such sincere devotees from all over North America.” 

The seminar topics included:

–          Team-building Through Improv by Yadunath Das

–          Strategies for Studying Srila Prabhupada’s Books by Prabhupada Priya Devi

–          Finding and Becoming a Mentor by Radhika Raman Dasa

–          Conscious Kirtan by Bhaktimarga Swami

–          Leading a Balanced Devotional Life by Vraja Vihari Dasa

–          Improving Japa by Janaki Devi, and

–          Pastoral Counseling by Kalakantha Das

The retreat was held at New Vrindaban, ISKCON’s oldest farm community and a vibrant pilgrimage center, which welcomes tens of thousands of people every year. “New Vrindaban was amazing and a lot of fun. I enjoyed the kirtans and like-minded association!” said Bhakta Dusten, a newcomer to Krishna House.

The Retreat organizer, Bhakta Chris Norris, extended his special thanks to Jaya Krsna Das, Anuradha Devi Dasi, and Yamunacharya Das of New Vrindaban for facilitating and supporting this landmark event. 

For inquiries and support for starting a Krishna House, please email the Krishna House North America team. For more information about the upcoming events at New Vrindaban, visit their website.

Photos courtesy Bhakta Chris Norris.
