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Food For Life Monterrey Bringing Spiritual Nourishment to the Most Vulnerable
By ISKCON News   |  Feb 10, 2024

The Food For Life Monterrey team of devotees is joyfully distributing prasadam and the holy names in Mexico’s second-largest city, bringing spiritual and physical nourishment to the community’s most needy populations.

Monterrey, located in the northeastern part of the country, nestled against the picturesque Sierra Madre mountain range, has over one million residents. Though it’s a major economic hub, the community still faces issues of economic disparity and food insecurity. 

Different devotee programs have been present in the city for over four decades, but the most recent outreach efforts have been under the auspices of the Bhalti Center, which was opened ten years ago. One of its leaders, Divya Priya Devi Dasi, explained, “Our meditation center is the center of all spiritual activities and festivals. We do activities at local universities, with the interreligious council, and the larger yoga community of Monterrey.” The Food for Life program is a weekly initiative accomplished with the support of volunteers and devotees. 

“One day a week, we visit the streets of Monterrey where the most needy people are often found. That is typically in front of the hospitals and where migrants gather. We offer kirtan and give brochures about the holy name,” noted Divya Priya. “In the rehabilitation centers, we share prasadam, explain the philosophy, and also give books donated by the devotees.” 

Another place they serve is a nearby homeless shelter for recovering alcoholics. Devotees call it the “Jagai Madhai Center.” Divya Priya said, “Although it is a shelter for the most fallen whom nobody else wants to accept, the residents become very happy when we visit them and ask us many philosophical questions.” One local program called Human Integration brings young men suffering from addictions to the Bhakti Center for the Sunday Feast and festivals.

To follow their inspiring service, you can visit their Facebook page, contact them via WhatsApp +52 81 1080 9971 or email, or click the following link to make a donation
