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Highlights Report from September 18th GBC Meeting Released
By GBC Communications   |  Sep 24, 2024

The Governing Body Commission (GBC) has released its latest Meeting Highlights Report for September 18th, 2024.

18 September 2024

We are pleased to present the 18 September 2024 GBC Meeting Highlights Report. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the online GBC meeting highlighting the key topics discussed.

The meeting commenced with an invocation of prayers led by Guru Prasad Swami, followed by Hriday Caitanya Dasa reading from Caitanya Caritamrita, Antya 11.105 : Translation: Haridasa Thakura was not only the topmost devotee of the Lord but also a great and learned scholar. It was his great fortune that he passed away before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Purport: Haridasa Thakura is mentioned here as the most learned scholar, parama-vidvan. Actually, the most important science to know is the science of getting out of the clutches of material existence. Anyone who knows this science must be considered the greatest learned person. Anyone who knows the temporary situation of this material world and is expert in achieving a permanent situation in the spiritual world, who knows that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is beyond the jurisdiction of our experimental knowledge, is understood to be the most learned scholar. Haridasa Thakura knew this science perfectly. Therefore, he is described in this connection as parama-vidvan. He personally preached the importance of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, which is approved by the revealed scriptures. As stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.5.24): There are nine different processes of devotional service to Krsna, the most important being sravanam kirtanam [SB 7.5.23] — hearing and chanting. Haridasa Thakura knew this science very well, and he can therefore be called, technically, sarva-sastradhiti. Anyone who has learned the essence of all the Vedic scriptures is to be known as a first-class educated person, with full knowledge of all sastra.

The following key topics were discussed:

1. GBC – ISKCON Bureau Update
The GBC – ISKCON Bureau Dialogue Committee (GBC – IB Committee) reported positive progress in its two key areas: relationships and Guru-Tattva. Formed with a three-year mandate, the committee held regular meetings and discussions to bridge gaps and improve relations between the GBC and ISKCON Bureau.

On the topic of Guru Tattva, the committee conducted extensive research, discussing the Shastric Advisory Committee papers approved by the GBC, as well as the paper written by Bhanu Swami. The committee acknowledged that further clarity is needed on various aspects of Guru Tattva before resolving Vaishnavi Diksha Guru.

The committee remains aware of the cultural sensitivities regarding Vaishnavi Diksha Guru. Once a baseline understanding of Guru Tattva is established, consultations will be held with a diverse group of devotee scholars, before submitting a final report to the GBC Body.

2. GBC Executive Property Oversight Committee
The Euro-RGB requested a discussion on the role and scope of the GBC Executive Property Oversight Committee (GEPOC) concerning property matters within ISKCON. The GEPOC is responsible for governance, oversight and development of professional standards relating to ‘property’ matters as set out in His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s Declaration of Will (the “Will”). The GPO is established by the GBC with the GBC Executive Committee serving as rotating members.

GEPOC members, Ramesvar Dasa and Siva Sankar Dasa explained and shared a presentation on the role and authority of GEPOC. Further discussion on this topic will be held at a future date for a more in-depth discussion.

3. Confidentiality Ramifications
The GBC Executive Committee (EC) is committed to improving and restoring confidentiality in GBC Meetings. To address this, a legal team has been appointed to draft a proposal on the ramifications of confidentiality breaches. A subcommittee of GBC members was formed to collaborate with the legal office in formulating this proposal. Once completed, the proposal will be presented to the GBC Body for feedback and a formal vote.

– Issued on behalf of GBC Communications

You can view a .pdf version of the report here and a video version here.
