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Launch of the Many Moons Podcast
By Khusboo Basan   |  Feb 05, 2022

A new podcast entitled “Many Moons” is set to be released across all podcast platforms on February 7th, 2022.

Presented by Sadhvi Sanga and Bodhaka, the podcast is a series of interviews featuring inspiring voices of the pioneer women of ISKCON. The invited guests will speak about their relationships with Srila Prabhupada, their personal experiences within ISKCON, and many more subjects.

The title of the podcast is inspired by a very sweet pastime of Srila Prabhupada’s and something he said.

Rukmini Walker remembers the pastime as follows:

“The New York devotees had just acquired this new temple, the second New York temple at 61 2nd Avenue, and they were writing to Prabhupada telling him that the new temple was just like a palace. And I was feeling a lot of anxiety about this because I was thinking, ‘Prabhupada’s coming and he’s going to be so disappointed when he sees this temple. They’re telling him it’s just like a palace, but it’s just another storefront. It’s a little bit nicer than the first storefront, but it’s just another storefront.’ I was thinking, ‘He’s going to be angry, he’ll be so disappointed, it’s going to be horrible.’ So Prabhupada came in and he sat on the vyasasana and he said, ‘I prayed to Krishna to send me one moon, but Krishna has sent me so many moon-like boys and girls.’ That’s what he said.”

‘Many Moons’ podcast launch will start on Monday, February 7th with its first guest, Visakha Devi Dasi exploring how Vaishnavis can serve in leadership roles. The episode will be entitled ‘Not Ordinary Women’.

The interview will answer important questions such as ‘how can Vaishnavis remain true to their feminine nature whilst serving as leaders?’ ‘What unique contributions can women make in leadership roles?’ ‘Can we follow daiva varnashrama in such a way to empower Vaishnavis to serve to their greatest capacity?’

Catch the live and recorded episode on Sadhvi Sanga YouTube channel and Bodhaka Facebook Page.
