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Ratha Yatra Makes History in Sao Paulo, Brazil
By Bhakti Rasa Devi Dasi   |  Nov 19, 2022

photos by Bhakta Ronaldo Canale and Lourieni Corrêa.


On November 6, 2022, Iskcon Cidade São Paulo held another Ratha Yatra, which took Sri Sri Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra to Avenida Paulista, where thousands of people watched and followed the parade of the Deities.

Despite the unpredictability of the weather, roadblocks that could have prevented the arrival of the car, costs, and all the necessary logistics for such a large event, the reunion of Lord Jagannatha with His devotees aroused intense emotions and spread joy everywhere!

After the parade, there was a reception at Club Homs, where more than 800 servings of prasadam were distributed. There was also an Indian dance performance, lectures, and a mantra show, with the illustrious presence of the stars of the day – Jagannatha, Baladeva, and Subhadra.

The Ratha Yatra featured guest appearances by Mahavishnu Swami, Bhakti Dhira Damodara Swami, and Chandramukha Swami. Devotees from several Brazilian states came especially for the procession, which included the distribution of over 4,000 sweet balls and more than 1,000 of Srila Prabhupada’s books.

A celebration of such a scale was only possible with the united efforts of several Iskcon Brasil projects, such as the Srila Prabhupada Vaishnava Cultural Center – Suzano Mandir and Iskcon Govardhan, which supported Iskcon Cidade São Paulo in the realization of this glorious event. In addition, hundreds of devotees from every corner of the country gave their support – with special mention to the knowledge contribution of the experienced devotees from Iskcon Rio de Janeiro, which were unconditionally active and present.

The forecast is that another great Ratha Yatra will take place next year, which invites the support of the entire Iskcon congregation from around the world so that Srila Prabhupada’s mission is strengthened more and more in Brazil.
