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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Searching for Solace
By Bhurijana Dasa   |  Jul 13, 2020


In Ujjain:

“You choose to paint 

as the cover of the book 

a picture of your heart,” 

I almost asked him to confess. 

No words replied

he only sighed 

a soft and thoughtful “yes.” 

* * * *

A little boy 

in short pants 

is walked home by his father.

Side by side, closely 

they walk. 

His father, a golden, glowing saint, 

holds tight his son’s hand. 

The boy glances up 

and fears nothing

He is not alone 

on the path home. 


Yet the sun is setting

as it must.

The boy will cry

as he must. 

But he will walk on

and will grow 

into his father’s grown-up son 

But never alone 

holding tight 

that ever-outstretched hand.


And he did grow 

and like his father also glowed

and loved his father’s family, as did his father

And like his father 

taught and shared and preached

showing culture and gentility, 

and caring for 

and serving all others with grace.


Time passed 

His body slowly aged, as it must

but inside

he grew neither weary nor old 

nor stuffy nor grumpy 

nor angry nor cynical. 

His eyes never narrowed 

his eyelids never drooped

But rather

his dreams and heart expanded 

to the stars above. 

He remained always alive 

with a simple, warm innocence 

and childish glee. 

Always his father’s son 

always holding tight his father’s hand 

never alone.


And now the sun has set again

as it must

at its ordained time, 

and although the world cries, 

dulls, dims, yet 

a great son

of a great father–

inside always small–

but never alone,

hand in hand

with Prabhupada

has journeyed home.


* * * 

To honor H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami the BBT has released a free PDF of his autobiography, OCEAN of MERCY. Use the link below to download the PDF (52MB). NOTES: This PDF copy of OCEAN of MERCY is copyrighted by the BBT and may not be reproduced or sold without express permission!
