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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Spiritual Leadership: Seminar on Being a Guru in ISKCON
By Prahladananda Swami   |  Dec 08, 2012

A 4-day seminar will be held entitled as “Spiritual Leadership: Being a Guru in ISKCON,” this upcoming February 17-20, 2013 in Mayapura. It covers many pertinent topics, including:

Role and Identity of the Guru in ISKCON
Principles of Spiritual/Guru Leadership
Relationship with the ISKCON Institution
Guru-Management Dynamics
Guru-Disciple Relationship
Care of Disciples
Pastoral Skills
Spiritual Health
Peer Association

The Guru Seminar is highly interactive and provides opportunities to share realizations with fellow senior Vaishnavas. It was organized by the GBC Guru Services Committee with the direct input of senior leaders including Bhakti Charu Swami, Jayapataka Swami, Radhanatha Swami, Ravindra Svarupa Das and other senior devotees and educators.

Per ISKCON Law this Seminar is mandatory for devotees who take up the service of diksha guru. The GBC also “highly recommends” it for siksa gurus, senior managers and other ISKCON leaders.

The Guru Seminar will be offered once in 2013, at Mayapura from February 17-20. Timings will be 10 am to 1 pm, and 3 pm to 6 pm daily.

The Seminar is open to ISKCON gurus (diksa and siksa), sanyasis, regional directors, temple presidents and other senior leaders who have at least ten years of active service in ISKCON. (References may be required.)

To register please email Padmanayana prabhu the administrator of the Mayapura Institute at and copy Prahladananda Swami at
