If the prospect of having to deal with a lifetime of pulsing radiation from smart meters, mercury from compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFLs), fragrance chemicals from perfumes and deodorants, electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and all the other forms of damaging environmental pollution all around us is too much for you, it might be a good time to look into moving to Switzerland.
This is where Europe’s first entirely chemical-free housing complex was recently built, catering specifically to people with a condition known as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, or MCS. AFP.com reports that the new apartment village, which is located on the outskirts of Zurich, was carefully designed to be free of all such chemicals and pollution, allowing those with extreme sensitivity to live in peace.
“I have been suffering since I was a child,” says Christian Schifferle, the 59-year-old man who was the brains behind the project. “This will really move my life in another direction.”
Having grown up working in his parents’ furniture factory, which was rife with chemicals, Schifferle developed severe health problems at a very early age that he later learned were linked to chemical and electromagnetic pollution. In his early adult life, Schifferle fled to the Swiss Alps in an attempt to gain back some quality of life, as persistent exposure for many years to this pollution caused him extreme discomfort.
“All my life it has been like I was only half alive,” he told reporters. “It makes me weak, anxious, I can’t breathe, my lungs hurt, and I get dizzy,” he added, referring to his hypersensitivity to electromagnetic pollution, particularly from electrical circuits and wireless transmission equipment.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/044743_hypersensitivity_apartment_village_mobile_phones.html#ixzz2z8Gy5ysv
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