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Treat Post Traumatic Condition With Natural Remedies
By JB Bardot   |  Feb 14, 2013

Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric condition that often arises after an individual witnesses or is involved in a life-threatening event such as a disaster, rape or violent assault. Children and adults experiencing PTSD can relive the terrifying experience through nightmares, flashbacks and behavioral disorders including insomnia, crying and depression. They may feel estranged or detached from familiar surroundings, family members, friends and pets. In many cases PTSD can be so severe as to interfere profoundly with people’s daily life.

PTSD is not new, being known by other names such as battle fatigue, shell shock, survivor’s guilt, and traumatic neurosis. Regardless of it’s name, the disorder is defined by a set of symptoms such as hypervigilance, being easily startled, anxiety, irritability, cognitive dysfunction, anger, mood changes, fearfulness, numbness, inability to experience joy or pleasure, loss of memory and avoiding areas associated with the trauma. Natural remedies can help ease symptoms and support an individual through their healing process to recovery.

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