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Church of England’s Advisor for National Inter Religious Affairs Visits Bhaktivedanta Manor
By ISKCON News   |  Mar 15, 2024

From left, Vinay Tanna, Revd Dr. Richard Sudworth, Angeline Leung, and Visakha Dasi.

Recently, Revd Dr. Richard Sudworth OBE, Secretary for Inter Religious Affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury and National Inter Religious Affairs Adviser for the Church of England, paid a visit to ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Manor. He was joined by Angeline Leung, the Executive Assistant for the Church of England’s Inter Religious Affairs & Ecumenical. Leung also serves on the Faith and Public Life team, based at Lambeth Palace, which hosted a historical interfaith event last November. 

“This visit came after I was invited to Lambeth Palace in London,” explained Visakha Dasi, Bhaktivedanta Manor’s Temple President, “I met King Charles III and the Archbishop of Canterbury there. After I invited the Archbishop to Bhaktivedanta Manor, he sent his “right-hand man” who specialises in interfaith relations.” 

Sudworth, appointed to his current positions in 2018, holds a Ph.D. in Christian-Muslim relations and has written several books on interfaith engagement. Last year, King Charles III appointed him as an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) for his laudable services to interfaith relations and cohesion.

Visakha Dasi presents Sudworth with a copy of Bhagavad Gita As It Is in Srila Prabhupada’s darshan room.

Vinay Tanna, Head of Bhaktivedanta Manor Communications, and Radha Mohan Das from the Communications Department facilitated the visit, during which the two guests visited the temple room, Srila Prabhupada’s rooms, the gardens, and the goshala. Appreciative of the warm welcome, Sudworth said, “We enjoyed the visit very much, and it was good to learn more about your own community’s history. There is nothing like meeting face to face and receiving each other’s hospitality.”

ISKCON views dialogue between its members and people of other faiths as an opportunity to listen to others, develop mutual understanding and trust, and share our commitment and faith with others while respecting their commitment to their own faith. “We welcome dialogue with other faiths because it increases understanding and cohesion,” noted Visakha Dasi.

To follow the ongoing service of the Bhaktivedanta Manor and to learn more about their upcoming events, visit their website or Facebook page.

A special thanks to Radha Mohan Das for the photos and details of the day.
