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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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ISKCON Nairobi’s Ratha Yatra Festival Attracted Thousands in Kenya’s Capital
By ISKCON News   |  Jun 13, 2024

On June 8, 2024, ISKCON Nairobi celebrated its 38th Annual Festival of Chariots, attracting over 2,000 participants from all walks of life. “The four-hour procession passed through the [capital city of Nairobi] with many onlookers joining in the vibrant Kirtan,” said Govinda Prema Dasa, Preaching Coordinator for East Africa. The festival ended with a sumptuous feast for all.

Celebrating over 50 years in Kenya, ISKCON has built meaningful relationships with many organizations in the vibrant city of four million residents. Among the many participants in the Ratha Yatra was a contingency of bagpipe players from the Sri Swaminarayan Mandir. This community has been “good friends” to the ISKCON devotees.

In addition to the numerous onlookers and well-wishers crowded along the route, many local students who receive ISKCON Nairobi’s Food-for-Life programs were present. “We feed 700 children daily, seven days a week,” noted Govinda Prema.

To see a beautiful online gallery of photos, click here. To learn more about the ongoing service of devotees in Kenya, please visit their website, the Hare Krishna Training Centre website, and follow them on Facebook.

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, devotees will be holding another Ratha Yatra in Mombasa.
